Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Importance of Pursuing Dreams

Dreams are the oxygen we breathe. If we move towards them, all the happiness hormones will be released in our bodies. If we move away from them, we experience bad emotions. Depression might not be anything but your mind's response to giving up your dreams.

You might think that currently you have no dreams or that you are not depressed because of letting go of them but if you examined your past you will find things that you have always longed for but you ignored them when you didn't manage to achieve them.

Some of us keep fighting for these dreams and so maintain optimism and hope in their lives while others bury these dreams deep down in their subconscious minds and remain depressed for the rest of their lives.

Suppressing Your Dreams
Some people lie to themselves by trying to believe that they are living the lives they wanted. A man who has always wanted to be the CEO of large company but only managed to be a supervisor might start convincing himself that going higher in the corporate ladder might result in a stressful life. Even though the man might actually believe the lie his subconscious mind never believes it and the result in an inner conflict and a severe depression

Unless you revive your dreams you will always stay depressed. So, is there any solution to this problem? Yes! There is a powerful solution that requires some courage but that is very effective. Remove the dust the covers your old dreams, revive your life goals that you have always wanted to achieve and admit that you were lying to yourself by accepting the way you live right now. Only then you will start to breathe once again and only then your subconscious
mind will find that your life is worth living and that depression is no longer needed.
You just need to make your life meaningful, and nothing can make it more meaningful than fighting for the things that you really wanted to have.
M. Farouk Radwan
Article Source:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Self Motivation Tips

Tips for Self Motivation

Each of us has enormous, untapped potential. Here are several very effective strategies to help you get moving toward that fabulous potential.

1. Be willing to leave your comfort zone.

The greatest barrier to achieving your potential is your comfort zone. Great things happen when you make friends with your discomfort zone.

2. Be willing to make mistakes.

Wisdom helps us avoid making mistakes and comes from making a million of them.

3. Practice empowering, expansive thoughts.

Don't indulge in self-limiting thinking.

4. Choose to be happy.

We often cannot control the events, circumstances or people in our lives. However, we CAN control our reactions to them. Happy people are more motivated. Make the conscious choice for happiness.

5. Finish what you start.

So many of us become scattered as we try to accomplish a task. Finish one task before you begin another.

6. Practice, "I get to...."

When you experience a setback or frustration, turn it around by saying, "I get to...". I get to take more voice lessons before I win that audition. Never quit because of a setback.

"We must be prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice who we are for who we are capable of becoming." - Charles Dubois

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


While this may apply more to teachers and conductors than it does to singers, I found this video to be fascinating. I'll let it speak for itself here:

Friday, February 5, 2010

Going Backwards for Success

Feeling clueless on how to proceed towards your goals? Don't know quite where to start? Or feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of what needs to be done? Use this plan to take you, step by step, towards acheiving your goals. It's planning backwards and here's how it works...

Start by stating, in writing, where you want to be in, say, five years. This can include your career goal, financial goal, fitness goal, really anything you want. For each one of those goals you will work out a backward plan. For example, let's say that I want to be twenty pounds lighter and able to run a marathon. In this case, I might want to work backward from a one year goal (since it is doable in that amount of time). Okay, now where do I need to be in six months? Maybe it's ten pounds lighter and able to run a half-marathon. What are the steps I need to take me there, in three months, one month, one week, and one day at a time?

By breaking it down into smaller and smaller units as well as daily tasks, I no longer feel whelmed by it all. Plus, I can have a sense of accomplishment with each mini-task that I've completed. Before you know it, I've arrived at the destination!

Where do I want to be (to have accomplished) in 5 years?
What has to happen this next year to get me there?
What do I need to do by the end of 6 months?
3 months?
1 month?
This week?

Map it all out on a large calendar or chart and place it where you can readily see it each day. Be sure to check off each item that you've done to show your progress. By starting backward, you can move forward and end up right where you want to!