Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Conquering Flying Cows

I was at a voice student's dress rehearsal for a recital and she was having major memory lapses. As the rehearsal went on, she just got worse and worse. The more upset she got, the less she could remember and actually sing through. Her flying cows were winning.

What the heck do I mean by flying cows? Do you remember the movie, "Twister"?I may have changed some things in my memory of the film, but the scene I have in mind goes something like this... The two main characters are scientists who study and chase tornadoes. In this scene they are going to drive across a bridge, over a large expanse of water, with wild winds all around them and with a tornado bearing down on them. Suddenly, a cow goes flying past their vehicle, grabbing their attention.

Here is where my analogy begins. We all experience forms of "flying cows" - something that is unexpected and grabs our attention. It can be a word slip, phlegm, someone rattling a program - anything that can potentially distract the performer. Well, had our movie characters been totally focused on the cow, they would have driven off of the bridge and plunged into the water and drowned. Instead, they noticed the cow and then kept driving straight down the road toward their destination, thus avoiding disaster. My poor student got so focused on her mistakes, her "cows", the she crashed.

Learning to focus on what is coming up ahead is one of the most valuable skills a performer can learn. It can also be one of the most challenging. However, any distraction, whether it comes from within (one's thoughts) or from the outside (a wrong note in the piano, a crash outside, etc.) will kill one's performance, if one lets it. For example, as soon as my attention is on the word I missed, I am out of the present moment. I am trying to retrieve a word that it is already too late for. The moment is gone and if I try to recapture it, I forfeit whatever still lies ahead in my song (or speech). Instead, I need to stay focused on the phrase coming up next.

Practice letting the cows fly past. Yes, you will notice them. But they don't deserve any focus. Concentrate on the phrase you are going to sing, not the one you have already sung. With enough experience and practice, one can learn to stay on task.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Your Voice on Drugs

As voice teachers and singers, most of us are aware of the side effects of at least some medications. What may not be common knowledge is just how many drugs, supplements, and even foods can have a detrimental effect on one’s voice. Here is just a short list of substances of which to be aware.

Alcohol is both dehydrating and causes swelling of the tissues (not to mention
impaired coordination). Best to have that glass of wine after a performance!

Aspirin. Aspirin causes platelet dysfunction and can lead to vocal fold hemorrhage. If used for pain, a safer alternative is ibuprofen (motrin). However, if one is prescribed aspirin for coronary artery disease or heart disease, taking a child’s dose daily is considered to have a low chance of jeopardizing the voice.

MAOIs (used in treatment of depression). Many of these drugs have been associated with speech disorders, hoarseness, and loss of voice, among other possible symptoms. Discuss possible side effects along with alternative drugs with your physician.

Antihypertensive (blodd pressure) Agents tend to dry mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. They are often used in combination with a diuretic that promotes dehydration. If mucosal drying and a dry, nonproductive cough persist, discuss using a different hypertensive agent with your physician.

Sleeping Pills. Avoid diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Warner-Lambert), an antihistamine that is a common ingredient in many sleep aids. It is a safe drug but produces excessive drying of mucosal membranes.

Cough Medications may be drying to the mucous membranes. Be sure that the one you use contains Guaifenesin, a mucolytic agent (provides moistures).

Supplements and Common Ingredients

Dandelion acts as a diuretic; can cause dehydration.

Used to treat upper respiratory infections. Short term, it can have an immune stimulating effect. Usage for mare than 8 weeks, though, may suppress the immune system and cause liver damage.

Elder acts as a diuretic; can cause dehydration.

Goldenseal may elevate blood pressure and cause allergic responses.

Melatonin Used by many as a sleep aid; it has hormonal activity and can also cause immune dysregulation.

Ginkgo May cause bleeding, GI upset, palpations. Do not take with blood thinning medication, insulin, antidepressants. One of the more worrisome, potential side effects is excesseive spontaneous bleeding with reports of spontaneous brain hemorrhage.

Ephedra Used to reduce weight, it has been known to be fatal. It may cause heart attacks, strokes, seizures, hypertension, or death.

Ginseng May cause agitation, insomnia, nervousness; may cause vaginal bleeding. Avoid using with caffeine, blood thinning, and antidiabetic medications.

Kava Liver toxicity, GI upset, headache, dizziness. Avoid using it. Several European countries have banned its use.

This is by no means a complete list and please keep in mind that these are possible side effects. Any questions or problems should be discussed with a qualified medical professional.